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          is a resource of xentra.com

Secure Server Transactions Information Page
InterNet is changing the way everybody does business.
For anybody offering an innovative and beneficial
product or service, there is a
500.000.000 people
potential market surfing the InterNet every day.
offers you and your company the possibility of presenting
your products or services on the InterNet and at the same
time to be able to sell them directly to the costumer using
our InterNet Secure Server.
Using our Secure Server
the costumer and you will be guaranteed:
1. The costumer is who he says he is.
2. He is accessing "your" webpage,
    and not somebody else's.
3. The information transferred is being
    encrypted and protected.
Secure Server Transactions is becoming the only
way world wide costumers will give you their credit
card information.
How do you know you are browsing within a
Secure Server?
The little key on the left-bottom corner of your
Netscape browser or the lock in the bottom of
your Explorer borwser should close, as you may
see in this demo page.
 500,000,000 potential costumers are surfing
the Web every day. Don't think it over too much,
there's not really that much to think.

I would like to be contacted as soon as possible.